AJs Operation - The Smiley Face Appeal

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AJ's operation will take place today (Thursday 10th May) at 6pm UK time and the surgery will take approximately four hours to complete.

AJs Operation

AJ's Finally on his way!

Flying out this morning (Monday 7th May 2012) AJ is finally on his way to the USA and to the life changing operation that will hopefully give him the chance to take the first unaided steps of his life... and thanks to the extremely helpful staff at Delta Airways, AJ not only received an upgrade but also admission to the very select VIP lounge to enjoy comfortable chairs and complimentary refreshments before boarding the plane to the USA.

Active Image
 AJ pictured with Mum (Leeanne) partner Anthony, helper Kerry and Airline staff at the Delta Airways check in desk.
This is the start of the most important journey in AJ's life and it simply wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of thousands and the efforts of many hundreds more!
"Thank you for making a little boy's dreams come true"
Alan Massey - AJ's Operation, The Smiley Face Appeal

Although We have now reached the original target of £50,000 this amount only covered the basic costs of the operation and didn't account for changes in the Dollar to Sterling exchange rate, or the massive costs involved with securing Visa's, nor did it cover items like specialist equipment, rehabilitation Physiotherapy and elements of the Footsteps program not covered under the NHS.
To take into account these additional costs we now believe that the final total will be in excess of £58,000 and would therefore ask you to continue the good work and to carry on fundraising a little longer.
As you can see AJ still needs your help, if you would like to donate or feel you are able to help in any way then please use one of the links below.
"The Footsteps program and AJ's general aftercare are vital components to the success of the SDR operation, they are not optional extra's nor can they be scaled back to save on costs.  It is therefore vital that we raise the additional £8000 to finish AJ's treatment."

Facebook link:
Youtube link:

Donations for AJS Operation can be made at any Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-02-77
Account Number: 53079945

Cheques can be made payable to: AJS Operation The Smiley Face Appeal and sent to;

The Smiley Face Appeal
4 Morecambe Close
Newton Heath
M40 2FD

AJs Operation The Smiley Face Appeal is a registered charity with Caudwell Children
Charity number: 1079770
Company registration: 3864620

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: 07888824703

Over the following five weeks whilst AJ is in the USA having his operation, Leeanne will be unavailable too.  During this period if you have any queries regarding funding or would like to donate to AJ's Appeal then please contact Alan Massey (The Senior Fund Administrator) instead.

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel: 07961307170

"On behalf of AJ and his family
Thank you"

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  Designed by augs-burg.de & go-vista.de Edited by Alan Massey